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1986 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference
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Armbruster, J
Bauer, A
Black, A
Cihacek, L
Deibert, E
Doran, J
Fairchild, D
Fanning, C
Fixen, P
Flore, N
Gallagher, P
Goos, R
Halstead, E
Halvorson, A
Harapiak, J
Hough, H
Jones, O
Kucey, R
Lamond, R
Malhi, S
Mielke, L
Mortvedt, J
Nance, S
Nesmith, D
Nyborg, M
Olsen, S
Onken, A
Penas, E
Power, J
Ridley, A
Sander, D
Schmitt, M
Skogley, E
Smika, D
Tokarchuk, J
Unger, P
Walker, W
Ward, J
Westerman, R
Westfall, D
Whitney, D
Wilhelm, W
de Jong, E
Home » Conference » Results


Filter results24 paper(s) found.

1. Ammonium Thiosulfate As a Nitrification and Urease Inhibitor - Present Status

Since most of the author's work on ammonium thiosulfate (ATS) as a nitrification or urease inhibitor has already been published, only an abstract and bibliography are presented here.  ... R. Goos

2. Chloride Research Update

Spring wheat experiments conducted at 24 sites in eastern South Dakota over a 4-year period resulted in grain yield increases at 10 sites and documented foliar disease suppression at 5 sites.  ... P. Fixen

3. Computerized Fertilizer Application by Soil Type

As a farmers looks out over a field during the growing season, he usually wants to see a very homogeneous appearance of crop growth. However, he often observes a very heterogeneous appearance of soils and crop yields associated with these soils in this same field while preparing the seed bed and harvesting the crop. Visual observations show that high spots in the fi e l d are lighter in color and often yield less than low spots in the field, which are often darker and higher ... M. Schmitt, W. Walker, D. Fairchild

4. Conservation Tillage-crop Production Systems for the Northern Great Plains

Conservation tillage (minimum-till and no - till) crop production systems have not been developed for the northern Great Plains. For the most part, the emphasis of previous soil and water conservation research has been on studying two-factor interactions of which tillage and soil fertility, tillage and water conservation, soil fertility and crops, are examples. Recent advances in computer technologies now makes it possible to accommodate analyses for assessing the interaction and signifi... A. Black, A. Bauer

5. Economics of a One-time Phosphorus Fertilizer Application

Grain yield and protein data from a soil fertility study initiated in 1967 and continued through 1983, on a Williams loam with a NaHCO3 soil test P level of 6 ppm, was evaluated to determine the potential economic benefits of a one time P fertilizer application under conditions of varying fertilizer N levels.  ... A. Halvorson, A. Black

6. Effect of Newly and Previously Applied Nitrogen on Yield and Recovery of Nitrogen by Barley

Nitrogen was applied to 4 consecutive crops of barley planted on an Almasippi LFS at MacGregor and Snnowflake CL at Purvis, Manitoba.  ... A. Ridley, J. Tokarchuk

7. Fertilization of No-till Winter Wheat

There is a growing trend towards the use of minimum and no - till production systems for dryland winter wheat in the Western Great Plains Region. More Information is needed regarding management systems to optimize economic return. The proper management of plant nutrients is of main concern to this production system. This research project was initiated in 1983 to provide information concerning N and P fertilizer management. Each year, experiments were conducted at 3 locations over a range of e... D. Westfall, J. Ward

8. Fertilizer Application with No-till Small Grain Seeding Equipment

Several innovative fertilizer application equipment designs have been developed by short line equipment manufacturers for no-till grain drills. The units allow anhydrous application at seeding time offering a new management alternative with potential for reduced production costs. Precise seed-fertilizer placement achieved with these units plus design simplicity make them attractive for adoption in both row crop and suall grain seedings in other production areas. ... C. Fanning, D. Smika

9. Fertilizer Placement Effects on Yield and Nutrient Content of Winter Wheat in Oklahoma

Efficient fertilizer applications are essential to achieve maximum economic yield.  ... R. Westerman

10. Increasing P Efficiency-residual P

Two cropping systems were studied to determine the effect of different methods of phosphorus (P) fertilizer application on residual P value. In eastern Nebraska on a Pawnee clay loam, grain sorghum yields were significantly higher following P fertilizer that was knifed (dual placed) compared to where fertilizer was either seed applied or broadcast on a previous wheat crop. The knife method of application resulted in a residual value of between 30 and 50% of a new application depending on rate... D. Sander, E. Penas

11. Innovative Cropping Systems for Saskatchewan

This paper provides a brief overview of some of the components of the Innovative Acres Program being carried out in Saskatchewan. Initial emphasis of the program has been snow management a s a means of extending rotations through increased soil mois- ture storage. Chemical summerfallow, winter wheat and annual grain legumes have become important components of the rotations being studied in the drier portions of the province, the Brown and Dark Brown soil zones. In the moister areas, Black and... E. Halstead, E. De jong

12. Nitrapyrin Effects on Mineral Composition of Irrigated Wheat

Application of nitrapyrin affected the plant tissue levels of only a few nutri- fent elements in a given year for a given stage of growth. Nitrapyrin increased the R/(Ca + Mg) rates of wheat only at Feekes Stage 2 in 1983 and did not appear to greatly influence the grass tetany potential of wheat forage during the two years of the study. ... L. Cihacek, S. Nance

13. Nitrogen Fertilizer Management for Alberta

Field experiments were conducted in the southern, central, and north-central parts of Alberta to identify inefficiencies in presently used N fertilizing practices and the differences in barley response to methods of N application designed to circumvent these inefficiencies.  ... R. Kucey, M. Nyborg, S. Malhi, J. Harapiak

14. Nitrogen Interference with P-uptake from Dual N - P Bands

Soft wheat seeded at two different dates following fertilizer application indicated that the fertilizer response pattern to dual deep banded N-P fertilizer can be modified by the length of time the bands are allowed to incubate in the soil prior to seeding. Higher rates of nitrogen in freshly applied dual N-P bands can initially interfere with crop uptake of phosphate. The benefit of including a "starter" phosphate application was greater where the dual N-P bands had been recently a... J. Harapiak, N. Flore

15. Nitrogen-tillage Interaction for Dryland Wheat in Western Nebraska

A tillage experiment was initiated by C.R. Fenster on a previously cultivated Alliance silt loam near Sidney, Nebraska in 1969 in which the effect of no-till, stubble mulch (subtill), and plowed fallow upon soil properties, nitrogen cycling, and winter wheat production were compared.  ... J. Power, W. Wilhelm, J. Doran, L. Mielke

16. One-pass Pneumatic Fertilizing-seeding with Various N Sources and N Rates

Fertilizer rate, fertilizer source and spreader type influenced the degree of stand reduction and final yield obtained when spring wheat was planted in a one-pass operation utilizing a pneumatic fertilizing-seeding unit.  ... E. Deibert

17. Phosphorus Economics on Dryland Winter Wheat

Phosphorus fertilizer trials on dryland wheat were initiated in 1984 on 13 cooperating farms from northern Oklahoma through Western Kansas to eastern Colorado.  ... P. Gallagher, J. Armbruster

18. Rate Limiting Processes of Phytoavailability of Potassium on Montana Soils

Throughout Montana crops have frequently responded to K fertilizers on soils testing high in NH4OAc-extractable K+.  ... E. Skogley

19. Sampling Soil by Depth for Alfalfa: Its Potential

Bayard fine sandy loam, Greyback gravelly loam, and Lost Wells sandy clay loam which receive pH 8.0 irrigation waters were sampled at 30 cm intervals to 90, 120 or 180 cm, respectively one to three years after treatment.  ... H. Hough

20. Soil Fertility Research - Texas High Plains

Multirate nitrogen and phosphorus field studies were conducted for several years with irrigated wheat, grain sorghum and corn on the major soil types of the Texas High Plains for the purpose of developing soil test correlations for nitrogen and phosphorus. Soil samples were taken prior to fertilizer application in increments of 0-6, 6-12, 12-24, and 24-36 inches. These samples were analyzed for nitrate-N and soil test phosphorus. Regression analyses and analysis of variance were used to test ... A. Onken, D. Nesmith

21. Sulfur Fertilization of Wheat in Kansas

Field experiments evaluating in the effects of sulfur fertilization on wheat yields and quality were initiated in 1982 and have continued through 1985. ... R. Lamond, D. Whitney

22. The Role of Ammonium Nutrition in Higher Yields

A real need exists to increase N fertilizer use efficiency by crops and to determine what soil and plant factors related to available N may limit crop productivity in given environments.  ... S. Olsen

23. Water Conservation Technology for the Southern Great Plains

Irrigation rapidly expanded in the southern Great Plains in the 1940's and 1950's, with most of the water for irrigation being pumped from the Ogallala Aquifer. The aquifer, however, is limited and has l i t t l e recharge; therefore, the water level has declined rapidly in much of the region and some of the once-irrigated land has reverted to dryland farming. Many practices have been developed to use the remaining irrigation water more efficiently and to conserve and use more of the ... P. Unger, O. Jones

24. Zinc Sources and Their Relative Effectiveness for Crops

Zinc fertilizers are widely used in the Great Plains region. Choice of Zn source depends upon intended method of application, relative agronomic effective- ness, price per unit of Zn, compatability, and convenience in application alone or with other fertilizer. Relative agronomic effectiveness of Zn sources should be determined by applying several Zn rates throughout the response range in replicated field experiments. Periodic soil tests for available Zn are suggested when Zn deficiency ... J. Mortvedt