March 4-5, 2024 | Lubbock, Texas
March 4-5, 2024 | Lubbock, Texas
Thank you for participating in the 2024 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. We had a fantastic turnout with nearly 100 registrants, 25 oral presentations and 29 poster presentations. Thank you to our sponsors for their generous support this year. Everyone take care, we look forward to meeting with you again in 2026.
The Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference seeks to bring together soil fertility professionals from across the Great Plains and Canadian Prairies regions to share the latest research in soil fertility and nutrient management and to network and share experiences with colleagues. It provides an opportunity for research, extension, industry, agricultural professionals, and educators to explore, learn, and expand their horizons on current and emerging nutrient-related issues and communicate science-based practices that are environmentally sound, sustainable, and profitable.