Conference Proceedings Available!

The 2024 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference Proceedings Book is now available! Clink the link below to view the full document!
GPSFC Proceedings - 2024.pdf


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Franzen, D
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Wick, A
Franzen, D
Goettl, B
Franzen, D
Goettl, B
Nitrogen Management
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Nitrogen Response of 2-Row Barley in North Dakota

In about 2019, the major malting barley buyers moved from 6-row barley cultivars to 2-row barley cultivars. The N response of 6-row barley was well-established, however, little local data regarding 2-row cultivar N response was available. A 2-year study was conducted in North Dakota on two sites, using two cultivars at each site. Rates of N from 0 to 160 pounds N per acre were imposed on each cultivar. One site was in a long-term (30+ years) no-till system, while the other site was in a transitional... A. Wick, D. Franzen, B. Goettl

2. Recent 2-Row Malting Barley Nitrogen Rate Revision for North Dakota

As the demand of two-row malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) increases, having sound nitrogen (N) recommendations is increasingly necessary. Not only does N play a role in grain yield, but it may also significantly impact grain malting characteristics including protein, plump, and test weight. To determine the impacts N rate and N availability have on two-row malting barley, two experimental sites were established in both Spring 2020 and 2021. The experiments were organized as a randomized... D. Franzen, B. Goettl