Conference Proceedings Available!
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1. Post-Wheat Summer Cover Crop Effects Crop Yields and Soil Properties in a No-till Dryland Cropping SystemTraditional dryland cropping systems in the semi-arid Great Plains include long fallow periods of up to 14 months to conserve soil moisture. However, such systems are inefficient even under continuous no-till (NT) management. As less water is necessary to produce forage compared to grain, cover crops (CCs) may be successfully integrated into dryland crop rotations for increased soil cover and potentially greater income when hayed or grazed as annual forages. One study was initiated in 2016 near... L.M. Simon, A.K. Obour, J.D. Holman, M.E. Schipanski, S.K. Johnson, K.L. Roozeboom |
2. Dual-purpose Cover Crop and Occasional Tillage Effects on Crop Yields and Soil Properties in a No-tillage Wheat-sorghum-fallow RotationReplacing fallow with dual-purpose cover crops (CCs) could enhance soil health and increase cropping system profitability when CCs are grazed or hayed. Grazing and/or haying CCs can provide an economic benefit to offset potential lost revenue when grain crop yields are decreased after CCs in dry years. However, producers are concerned about the potential for root-limiting soil compaction following grazing on no-till (NT) fields, which could limit subsequent grain crop yields and require tillage... L. Simon, A. Obour, J. Holman, S.K. Johnson, K. Roozeboom |