Conference Proceedings Available!
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1. Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in High-Elevation Hay Meadows: Understanding Processes for Improved Agroecosystem ProductivityIrrigated hay meadows are an integral, but often under-performing component of livestock operations in western rangeland ecosystems. Flood irrigation resulting in seasonal saturation, high elevation, and cool temperatures common to these systems result in concentration of organic materials near the soil surface, constraining nitrogen cycling, forage productivity and diversity. Improved understanding of nutrient cycling, soil organic matter processes, and ecosystem services of irrigated hay meadows,... D. Adamson, J. Norton |
2. The Paradoxical Pursuit of Sustainable Nitrogen Management in Irrigated High-Elevation Hay MeadowsIrrigated hay meadows are an integral, but often under-performing component of livestock operations in the Mountain West. Saturating irrigation and cool temperatures result in buildup of organic matter in form of an O-horizon, hindering forage production and nitrogen (N) cycling. For these reasons, many ranchers choose to fertilize with N regardless of large stores of N already in the soil. To improve long-term forage production in meadow systems, it is therefore critical to understand the... D. Adamson, J. Norton, U. Norton, L.T. Van diepen, M. Singh |