Conference Proceedings Available!

The 2024 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference Proceedings Book is now available! Clink the link below to view the full document!
GPSFC Proceedings - 2024.pdf


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Zabinski, C
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Jones, C
Miller, P
Zabinski, C
D'Agati, K
Cover Crops and Nutrients
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1. Soil Quality and Nitrogen Availability After Eight Years of a Mixed Cover Crop - Wheat Rotation

Despite a large interest in cover crops in the northern Great Plains, little is known about their effect on both the following wheat crop and soil quality. In 2012, a cover crop study was started in Montana to compare wheat production and soil quality after growing cover crop mixes containing 2-, 6-, or 8-species, with both summer fallow and a sole pea cover crop control, in a 2-yr rotation with wheat. The 2-species mixes represented functional groups (legumes, brassicas, tap rooted, or fibrous... C. Jones, P. Miller, C. Zabinski, K. D'agati