Conference Proceedings Available!

The 2024 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference Proceedings Book is now available! Clink the link below to view the full document!
GPSFC Proceedings - 2024.pdf


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Lehman, R
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Chim, B
Osborne, S
Lehman, R
Osborne, S
Lehman, R
Riedell, W
Chim, B
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Do Legume Cover Crops Help Mineralize Soil Nitrogen?

Nitrogen (N) dynamic is dependent on multiple factor all of which influence in-season plant N availability.  Inclusion of a cover crop can have additional impacts on N dynamic by utilizing fall residue soil N, reducing the potential of N leaching.  Legume cover crops also have the potential to add additional N to the soil through N fixation.  The objective of this study was to evaluate N dynamic of different cover crops (legume and nonlegume) compared to no cover... B. Chim, S. Osborne, R. Lehman

2. Long-term Crop Rotation Impact on Soil Properties and Crop Response

Crop rotations can be part of sustainable agriculture production by their effectiveness depends on understanding how crop rotations affect above- and below-ground crop characteristics. Objectives were to investigate crop rotation effects on shoot dry weight and root characteristics of cereal and grain legume crops at anthesis as well as on grain yield. Rotations were corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], (CS); corn-soybean-spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-field... S. Osborne, R. Lehman, W. Riedell, B. Chim